
Clinical chemistry

International External Quality Assessment Program

General runnings

If you are interested in PREVECAL BIOCHEMISTRY (BIOCHEMISTRY, B.HUMAN,VETERINARY, URINE, RHEUMA, PROTEINS and COAGULATION) fill in the Application Registration form available on the website or contact with your Biosystems local distributor. Once submitted, sent the Identificaction sheet to the organization.

Then, you will receive the kit of the program required. Inside the kit, you will find: control sera labelled with the month in which they must be analysed and the Instruction Sheet with the preparation, stability, storage, etc of the control material.

Prevecal website:

Laboratory results must be entered on Prevecal website using the Laboratory Code and the password given.

Once the statistical calculation is done,the monthly report will be published on the Laboratory Private Area.

Steps to follow:

Access to

Analyse control serums in the month shown on the label, and enter the results on the website. Save the results.

In case there has been a mistake, results can be modified until the deadline is over. PREVECAL deadline is day 15th of every month (exception: January deadline is day 31rst).

At the end of the year, PREVECAL organization makes a final report and a Certificate of participation.

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